A co-operative effort by Shooters Union, the Firearm Dealers Association of Queensland, and SSAA Queensland has helped facilitate changes to the Weapons Act 1990 which...
Category - Shooters Union News
International Recognition for Shooters Union
Shooters Union is an international affiliate of the United States NRA (National Rifle Association). This affiliation fits well with the Union’s main role to defend the...
What’s more important, Guns or People?
We are continually subjected to inflated newspaper claims that Howard’s ill-considered gun registration has done so much to reduce gun crime that we forget the other...
SUA Respond to Gun-related Violence Senate Inquiry
SUA has been invited before the Senate Inquiry into Gun-Related Violence in Canberra. You will remember the long-winded-named Senate Inquiry into the ability of...
SUA President responds to Federal Senate Inquiry into Gun-Related Violence
Senate Inquiry into Gun-related Violence SUA PRESIDENT GRAHAM PARK’S OPENING STATEMENT Senators, Thank you for the invitation to participate. 18 years ago...
Senate Enquiry into Semi-automatic Handgun Ban
The federal government has recently announced a Senate inquiry into “The ability of Australian law enforcement authorities to eliminate gun-related violence in the...