Based on recent press releases from other firearms user groups in Western Australia, and statements made in podcasts etc, it is clear there are some misconceptions in some circles about the upcoming rally being organised in support
of shooters.
Shooters Union Australia is a national body, like other major user groups. Therefore, we have individual branches in each state. Those branches generally decide what is the best strategy and direction for their own state, as SUA is not an autocratic body.
We celebrate and encourage this as the best way to address local state concerns. The role of SUA is simply to support state branches, as requested by them.
For reasons that are easy to understand (including the accidental use of the SUA logo instead of the SUWA logo in some communications, which was a simple error by an inexperienced staff member) some groups and commentators have seen this
WA rally as something organised and run by “Eastern states groups” seeking to interfere in WA issues. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The upcoming WA rally on February 8 has been conceived and organised by a number of WA-based groups, including our very own SUWA president Steve Harrison, who is a dedicated and hardworking lifelong WA resident; he was a long- serving, highly regarded member of WA Police. Our SUWA director David Brown has also been working hard on this (Note: David is also our National VP, but on this matter he is operating in his other role as WA director.
We respect and support the efforts of the SUWA team, who are working hard to do what they believe best for WA firearms owners. However, we would request that all future comments about the rally — whether from other groups or from podcasters etc
— clearly state and recognise this is a locally organised effort and NOT easterners trying to “seek relevance,” as it has been put.
If you have questions about the rally or need media comment, please reach out to our SUWA team: [email protected]