Shooters Union is delighted to welcome Phillip Bigg as our new president of Shooters Union Tasmania.

Phillip is a keen shooter and hunter, and extremely active in the political sphere in Tasmania.
He has hit the ground running, and is already tackling several serious issues facing gun owners in Tasmania – in particular reforms to firearms licensing application forms and the invasive questions being asked there, and also relating to changes to the antique firearms laws.
Phillip is pushing for the further opening of public hunting areas in places such as sustainable timber zones.
He is also a keen advocate for reforming the state’s game meat laws so hunters can donate harvested meat to food banks and needy people in the state – an initiative Shooters Union wholeheartedly supports.
Phillip is very keen to help Tasmanian shooters become more politically active and engaged as well – please contact him via [email protected] to find out more.