- If you do not have a pistol registered to your Category H licence, you do not need to complete details of participation and you can ignore this notice.
- If you have not yet obtained your Category H licence, then you can ignore this notice.
- If Shooters Union is not your principal club, and you are reporting through another club, please ignore this.
It is a condition of having a concealable firearm licence (Category H) that the holder of the licence participates in a prescribed number of handgun shooting competitions in each financial year. In addition, those who have an endorsement to their licence that allows for a high calibre handgun are subject additional participation requirements.
Current legislation (Section 140 of the Weapons Act 1990) provides that a Pistol Club may be required to provide a report to Queensland Police about each member’s compliance with the participation conditions of his/her licence.
Accordingly, can you please complete the below Members Participation Declaration for this year.
(1 July of last year – 30 June of this year) and complete by 16th July.
If we do not receive a reply by the allocated final date, we will have no choice but to mark you as non-compliant.
If you have been unable to complete the required participations you will need to contact
Weapons Licensing on 301507777.
Shooter Union Member Participation Declaration Form
Conditional Cat H Declaration Form