We have been informed – by Government employees involved in the matter – that the Queensland Government is planning secret additional restrictions on shooters in the state – including stronger (and almost impossible to meet for renters and many homeowners) storage requirements, as well as increasingly broad interpretations of “not a fit and proper person” to reduce the number of firearms licence holders.

We, alongside industry representative groups SIFA, the Queensland Firearms Dealers Association, and AgForce, have twice written to Police Minister Mark Ryan asking him to either deny that changes are under discussion, or (if they are being planned) involve us so the industry and all law-abiding firearms users can be properly represented and consulted.

Neither he, nor anyone else from the Palaszczuk Government, has even bothered to reply to us, and since it seems clear to us something is going on, we’ve launched a new campaign to remind MPs they work for you, not the other way around.

Take a few minutes to watch this video from our president Graham Park explaining how you can get involved and what we’re hoping to achieve – and then please, share it with everyone you know (Shooters Union member or not). It really is important.