You may recall the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum in NSW was broken into last year, and has been closed since then while expensive security upgrades are undertaken.

The Museum is one of the most important firearms and manufacturing heritage sites in the entire country; its products have equipped our soldiers ever since WWI and its other products (including everything from golf clubs to machine parts) represent a long-gone chapter in Australian goods manufacturing.

According to the LSAFM team, just paying for security guards since the August 2024 break-in has cost an estimated $95,000.

It’s unsustainable and if not resolved will likely result in the permanent closure of the museum, as well as the loss of one of the most significant collections of historic firearms in the country.

LSAFM say that as part of ensuring the museum remains viable for future generations, they need ownership of its land and buildings – something reportedly previously agreed to by site owner Thales.

There are two petitions underway calling on the State Government to expedite a Heritage Order for the LSAFM buildings, and facilitate the acquisition of the museum land and buildings by LSAFM.

This one is for NSW residents:

This one can be signed by anyone, anywhere in Australia:

If you live in NSW, we encourage you to contact your local MP – both Lower and Upper Houses – and tell them you support LSAFM and want to see the buildings, site, and collection preserved as an irreplaceable part of Australia’s history.

If you are in another State, please contact your Federal MP and Senator and let them know you are concerned about the potential loss of the Museum site and its collection, and want it preserved for all Australians.