Following the doxxing of gun owners in WA earlier this year and the dismissal of our complaints to the media, WAPOL and Crime and Corruption Commission, we engaged Perth-based Rowe Bristol lawyers to investigate what legal options were available regarding the incident.

This cost several thousand dollars and took some months, and last week Rowe Bristol provided us with their learned opinion – which we have provided here in full, in the interests of transparency (after all, it was our members’ money being spent.)

TLDR: At this time, it does not appear possible to launch a successful civil legal action against WAPOL, the WA Government or WA Police Minister regarding the doxxing.

Read the entire legal response HERE…

So where to from here?

We will be making a complaint about the doxxing to the WA Ombudsman, and considering our other options too. We’re not giving up on this yet.

We will also be sending a survey out to all WA members and supporters in the very near future, regarding a range of issues including not only the doxxing but how we can best represent you – so keep an eye out for that soon!