Firearm Licencing Q&A

Q: How many category-A firearms can I have in my possession

A: As many as you’d like!

Q: How do I join the SUQ Pistol Section?

A: The Queensland Weapons Act 1990 imposes additional requirements over and above those for a long arms licence. These requirements relate to both who may join a pistol club and to the information that must be provided. A summary of these requirements may be found here: Licence Application ›


Joining a Queensland Pistol Club

A person who wishes to apply for membership of an approved pistol club must submit their application for membership with the following information:

  1. If the person is not a licensee, a current Statement of Eligibility to join an approved pistol shooting club (QP0515)
  2. Two character references from persons the applicant has known for at least two years; and
  3. A declaration from the applicant detailing any current membership of other approved shooting club/s, or that the person is not a current member of any other approved shooting club.

For any enquiries, or to submit forms, references, statements, licence copies or QP0515 Statements of Eligibility, please email [email protected]

Q: I am a member of SUQ and have a long arms licence.

A: If you are already a member of SUQ, and you hold a firearms licence of any kind (eg, a long arms (Cat A/B) licence), then you can join the Pistol Section of SUQ by providing:

  • Two 2 character references;
  • A declaration that you do / do not belong to another pistol club;
  • A copy of your current firearms licence.

Your 6 month probationary period starts once your submitted documents are approved by the Pistol Club Captain. 

Q: I am a member of SUQ, but I do not hold any type of firearms licence.

A:If you do not currently hold a firearms licence then to join the Pistol Section you must either:

  • Obtain “Statement of Eligibility” from Queensland Police; or
  • Obtain a Cat A/B Licence.To obtain a “Statement of Eligibility”, you must complete
    Form QP515 (which can be obtained from your local police station or can be downloaded from the Queensland Police Website – Click here

The completed form and the documents specified in the form must be submitted to your local Police Station for approval.

Once you have either a “Statement of Eligibility” or a Cat A/B licence, then you may join the Pistol Section by providing:

  • Two 2 character references;
  • A declaration that you do / do not belong to another pistol club;
  • A copy of your Statement of Eligibility or firearms licence.

Your 6 month probationary period starts at date these items are provided to SUQ.

Q: I am not currently a member of SUQ, but want to join to obtain a pistol licence.

A:If you do not currently hold a firearms licence then to can join the Pistol Section of SUQ, you must either:

  • Obtain a “ Statement of Eligibility” from Queensland Police; or
  • Obtain a Cat A/B Licence.

To obtain a “Statement of Eligibility”, you must complete Form QP515 (which can be obtained from your local police station or can be downloaded the form from the Queensland Police Website – Click here

The competed form and the documents specified in the form must be submitted to your local Police Station for approval.

Once you have either a “Statement of Eligibility” or a Cat A/B licence, then you may join the Pistol Section by:

  • Completing the SUQ membership application form and paying the appropriate membership fee.
  • Providing 2 character references;
  • A declaration that you do / do not belong to another pistol club;
  • A copy of your Statement of Eligibility or firearms licence.

Your 6 month probationary period starts at date these items are provided to SUQ.

Q: What is the Fit and Proper Person Test

A: The Weapons Act 1990 (Qld), s.10B, states that a firearms licence may only be issued to an individual if they are a “fit and proper person”. Similarly, a licence can be revoked if an individual ceases to be considered a fit and proper person.

However, the Act does not state what makes a person a “fit and proper person” or how one goes about showing that one is a “fit and proper person”. Instead, the Act sets out a range of factors that mean a person will not be consider a “fit and proper person”. These factors include:

(i)     Becoming the subject of a domestic violence order (other than a temporary order);

(ii)   Any conviction or sentence for any offence relating to the misuse of drugs; the use or threatened use of violence; or the use, carriage, discharge or possession of a weapon.

Also, in determining a person’s “fit and proper” status for the issue, renewal, suspension or revocation of a licence an Authorised Officer will consider:

(i)                 the mental and physical fitness of the person;

(ii)               whether the person has stated anything false or misleading on or in connection with an application or renewal of application;

(iii)             whether there is any criminal intelligence or other information to which the authorised officer has access; and

(iv)             the public interest.

Members may be called upon to provide evidence that they are a “fit and proper person” to hold a firearms licence. While each case is unique, and members should consider seeking independent legal advice, the following response is one suggestion of how a letter to Weapons Licensing might seek to address the issues relating to the fit and proper person test.

[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” width=”100%” ]Dear Sirs,

Re: Application of a Firearms Licence / Renewal of a Firearms Licence

I believe that I am fit and proper person in terms of s.10B of the Weapons Act 1990 (Qld) to hold a firearms licence. I do not suffer from any mental or physical illness or impairment that would compromise my ability to safely possess and use a firearm. I have not [within the relevant period] been the subject of a domestic violence order and all of the information I have include in my application is true.

I also believe that in no way do I pose a risk to public safety or that my holding of a firearms licence would be in any way contrary to the public interest. I have not been charged or convicted of any offence relating to the misuse of drugs, of the use of violence or of firearms. I have been in steady employment as a ………. for ….…. years and I am held in high regard by my employer and work colleagues. They have indicated that they would be more than willing to provide written references as to my being a fit and proper person if necessary.

I have lived at my current address for …. years and in that time I have become part of the local community. I …… [get on well with my neighbours / am a regular member of my local church / member of my local neighbourhood watch group / involved with my local scout / guides / rugby /soccer /cricket team].

Accordingly, I believe that I am an entirely fit and proper person to hold a firearms licence. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Faithfully[/box]

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