Shooters Union collects personal information from members and from non-members wishing to use the Union’s facilities. In many cases, the Union is under a legal obligation, arising most often under the Weapons Act 1990 (Cth) (Qld), and other Acts, to collect personal information, to retain this for lengthy periods, and to make it available to Police upon request.

Shooters Union is exempt from the application of the privacy principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). However, the Union strives to comply with best privacy practices in the conduct of its operations and the collection, storage, and access to information.
Shooters Union will:

1. Only collect personal information from members and non-members wishing to use the Union’s facilities that is necessary for the conduct of the Union’s operations and as required under any law, in particular, the Weapons Act 1990 (Qld) and associated regulations.

2. Use fair and lawful means to collect personal information.

3. Ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that the personal information collected is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

4. Not disclose personal information without the explicit consent of the person concerned, unless required to do so under applicable legislation or at the request of Police or other law enforcement agencies.

5. Not use personal information for a purpose other than for the purpose for which is collected, unless the purpose is directly related to the original purpose and members reasonably expect the information may be used for this other purpose.

6. Take reasonable steps to protect personal information by storing it in a secure place and/or ensuring electronically-held information is secure.

7. Prevent unauthorized access, modification, misuse or loss of personal information by putting in place appropriate policies and procedures that explain which members can access the information and under what circumstances.

a) Information collected and held by the Union may be accessed by the following persons for the purposes carrying out the Union’s operations:

• The person to whom the information relates;
• The members of the Management Committee for the time being.

8. Afford members access to his/her information upon request and address any request for correction of personal information promptly.

This Policy was adopted by the Management Committee of Shooters Union as a By-Law of the Union pursuant to Rule 30 of the Constitution