Hunting Insurance Coverage

The insurance industry has made a decision to restrict insurance options for those involved in firearms, including Shooters Union. After months of negotiation, we have secured public liability insurance for our members, state organisations, and clubs.

However, we regret to inform you that we can no longer provide cover for legal hunting on public or private land without certain conditions and additional costs.

Our public liability policy, exclusive of hunting liability, has increased by approximately 600%, and our claims excess has risen by 1000%.

As part of our commitment to you, our members, we are prepared to cover the increased costs for the time being, but we will need to assess the financial impact going forward as it simply will not be sustainable for us to shoulder the increased costs for more than another year or so.

To offer members hunting liability coverage, we are required to notify the insurance company of names and contact details of individuals who require it andpay an additional fee per member

If you require liability insurance for hunting, please let us know by completing the proforma below and returning it to us by no later than close of business on May 15, 2023.

If you do not need this coverage from us – for example, because you are a member of another shooting organisation which also provides liability insurance to its members when hunting – we kindly request that you do not fill in the form, as this hunting insurance comes at a substantial cost to Shooters Union beyond the public liability insurance we have been offered.

Every dollar we have to give to insurance companies is a dollar we can’t spend fighting for your rights as a law-abiding firearms owner, and we’d really prefer to use our finances seeking better outcomes for our members.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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