It has come to Shooters Union attention that currently Border Force (customs) officers, accompanied by state police officers are actively visiting (with search warrant) and searching the premises of anyone and everyone who has recently imported the so called “Solvent Traps” being sold online from the USA.

Whilst some shooters may have inadvertently ordered these into the country AND customs inspected and released them, they have now decided these “Solvent Traps” are legally classified as silencers or sound moderators and are illegal under state laws.

Several people in at least 2 states have already been charged with offences relating to these items, so this is not some online rumour. Shooters Union has spoken to solicitors from both states directly.

If you or anyone you know has inadvertently imported one of these items, Shooters Union strongly advises you to dispose of it immediately. The best way would likely be to dispose of it at a firearms dealer premises or a local police station we imagine.

If you have imported one of these items, expect that you will shortly receive a visit from Border force and state police armed with a warrant to search your premises for these or any other items that may have been imported or purchased inadvertently.

This may well be the perfect time to do a complete audit of all your firearms and ammunition storage to make sure you are fully compliant with your state laws.

While Shooters Union may not agree with all the current laws in place, we do very strongly advise and encourage all members to obey the laws fully and to work to change those ones you may have issues with via the political and legal systems.

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