The Shooters Union movement has long had members in all states in Australia, plus a few overseas.  We’ve had numerous requests to formally establish ourselves interstate, so after careful consideration of the best mechanism to do that, Shooters Union Australia is now a company, and we have established  Shooters Union Tasmania Pty Ltd.
Whilst the formalities to restructure are still in train, we have a very enthusiastic bunch of Taswegians already establishing their bona-fides to the newly elected Tasmanian government.
The very able man in charge is Alistair Shephard.
If you’re in Tassie and want to be involved, you can contact Alistair on [email protected]
He’ll be pleased to hear from you.
FYI: As membership of the State-based associations is based on location, existing Shooters Union Members based in Tasmania, will automatically become part of Shooters Union Tasmania. New Members should join using the form here.

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