In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s an election in NSW on Saturday. 

By now, we’re sure you’ve already made your mind up how you will vote – although our How To Vote guides for the Upper House and Lower House are on our website if you would like some suggestions – so this message isn’t about telling you who to vote for.

Instead, we are asking all shooters, hunters, and friends across NSW to volunteer at a polling booth on Saturday. 

Whether it’s handing out election material for a pro-shooting candidate, helping set up a P&C stall or even that most crucial of tasks, cooking the iconic Democracy Sausage for voters, we are asking you to roll up your sleeves get involved.

We all know the political parties who dislike our sport will have no shortage of volunteers, so this is our chance to get out there and have a visible presence, as well as being involved in the democratic process.

Part of being a responsible shooter is showing the community that we are everyday people, and helping out with a great Australian institution like democratic voting is an excellent way to get involved and put our best foot forward as shooters.

It’ll only take a few hours out of your Saturday morning, but could make a huge difference to the shooting sports and hunting in NSW.

A list of Lower House candidates by electorate can be found here:

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