Access to NSW’s vast State Forests and National Parks is increasingly under threat from “lock it up and leave it” politics. This means shooters have fewer places to...
Category - New South Wales
No changes to reloading propellant limits in NSW
Shooters Union, along with SIFA and other industry representative groups, have been involved in consultation with WorkSafe NSW, who are responsible for regulating...
Members of the SU NSW committee had the pleasure of visiting the modern Lithgow Arms factory recently, being treated to a guided tour of the facilities and getting some...
SU NSW Join NSW Firearms Classification Working Party
Great news from NSW – Shooters Union NSW have been approved to join the NSW Firearms Classification Working Party (FCWP)! The FCWP is working with NSW Police in...
SU NSW president Tony Gavan has been meeting with the office of NSW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe to push for an expansion of hunting areas in the state, including...
Shooters Union is now an approved hunting club & a genuine reason in NSW
We have some amazing news for shooters in NSW – Shooters Union NSW is now an Approved Hunting Club (Approval No. 413021547) and therefore a Genuine Reason for a firearms...