A crucial vote is coming up in the Queensland parliament on the re-classification of the Alder shotgun. The LNP are calling on all licensed firearm owners in Queensland to provide consultation and feedback on this upcoming decision.

Unlike Labor, the LNP respects the rights of the 190,000 licensed firearm owners in Queensland, and won’t be bullied by dictates from Canberra. They need your input to better understand the need and practical use for the Adler, which should determine its classification.

This is your last chance to help influence what will happen with the re-classification of the Adler shotgun in Queensland.

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”https://lnpq.typeform.com/to/QcFrp6″ target=”blank” ]Sign the Petition Here[/button] [button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”https://websiteunderconstruction.com.au/shootersunion/donations” target=”blank” ]Donate to the Cause – Stop the Reclassification of the Adler Shotgun[/button]

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