Over approximately the last two years our preferred lawyer in Queensland, David Neuendorf from Robert Bax & Associates, has had an initial and free consultation with approximately 280 individuals regarding weapons licensing matters. These free consultations are organised by the Shooters Union and include brief written and verbal advice to the client about prospects.

Of the 280 people David had an initial consultation with, approximately 101 did not proceed further, whether that be because of the lack of merits, financial constraints etc

Following on from the initial free consultation approximately 179 people engaged David’s services to act on their behalf of which:

  1. approximately 40 had their issues resolved without needing to proceed to QCAT;
  1. the remaining individuals lodged proceedings with QCAT, however the majority of those matters were resolved without having to proceed to a final QCAT Hearing;
  1. David has recently appeared at four final hearings, all of which were successful for the individual.

As you can see, the vast majority of people who sought help and elected to proceed on with QCAT with David’s services have been successful. 

We greatly appreciate the work David has done and the support he provides to Shooters Union and the shooting community generally.

If you have a legal issue you need support with, our legal triage team can be contacted via [email protected]