Recently we had the pleasure of interviewing Steve Andrew, the One Nation’s Party Member for Mirani who is up for re-election this month.

A passionate advocate for your region, Steve wants the people of Central and North Queensland to hold the balance of power, keep the next Queensland government accountable, and put an end to Labor riding roughshod over farmers, miners, and anyone living outside the south-east corner.

“We are in the fight of our life to keep our cherished way of life. FREE, ALIVE and PROSPEROUS.”

“My promise to you is to continue to fight against radical Greens armed with their dodgy science that demonises farmers, tourism providers and miners. I’ll fight for your kids to get better funding for schools, teachers and educators. I’ll fight for your jobs, and to keep investment in Mirani.”

“I say NO to Labor’s death tax, a GST increase and the double standards that favours the rich and famous over normal Australians. I say YES to water infrastructure projects and outcomes that deliver benefits for our entire community.”

“Let’s continue what we’ve started and keep Mirani moving forward, supporting and reinvigorating agriculture, manufacturing, mining and local jobs.”

Shooters Union is endorsing Steve as our pick for the Mirani region.

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