Australian Gun Law update as of the 17th of August 2015. Featuring contact details of Ministers and Politicians who support the rights of law-abiding gun owners and shooters.

Last week was a big week in Federal Parliament for the future of Australia’s gun laws. Industry have now been invited into the process to review the 1996 National Firearms Agreement, based on the recommendations of the Martin Place Siege Review. The Martin Place Siege Review calls on the Federal Government and all States and Territories to come to the table to work out how to simplify the regulation of the licensed firearms market and redeploy police resources to focus on illicit firearms.

In a perverse twist, there are a group of politicians and bureaucrats hell bent on opposing the reviews recommendation by proposing more not less restrictions on licensed firearms owners and ultimately starving front line police of the resources they need.

As parliament sits again this week, we have plenty of politicians to thank for their incredible efforts supporting the rights of licensed firearms owners, and we have a few politicians that need to be reminded that we are not going to sit quietly and watch them get a few cheap headlines at our expense.

Could you please take the time to email your thanks to the following members for their efforts in supporting us:

[box type=”info” align=”aligncenter” width=”90%” ]Please note: Members of Shooters Union can use our Political Lobbying Tool to contact Queensland State & Federal Politicians. Please click here: Send Your Views NOW! to use this service[/box]

To the Coalition members working tirelessly in the background to ensure licensed firearms owners, user groups and industry get a seat at the table and get their views heard:

Senator Bridget McKenzie [email protected]
Senator Nigel Scullion [email protected]
Hon John Cobb MP [email protected]
Ross Vasta MP [email protected]
Mark Coulton MP [email protected]

To the MP’s that moved a motion of disallowance for the regulation to prohibit the import of the 7 shot Adler shotgun:

In the Upper House:
Senator David Leyonheljm [email protected]
Senator Ricky Muir [email protected]

In the Lower House:
Hon Bob Katter MP [email protected]
Cathy McGowan AO, MP [email protected]

To the Minister for Justice who has committed to personally chair monthly consultation with the recently formed Industry Reference Group comprising of Firearms Industry and user organisations:

Hon Michael Keenan MP [email protected]

And to our State members of Parliament that have been working hard behind the scenes with State Governments around the country:

Shooters and Fishers Party:

Hon Robert Borsak MLC r[email protected]
Hon Robert Brown MLC [email protected]
Jeff Bourman MLC [email protected]
Daniel Young MLC [email protected]
Hon Rick Mazza MLC [email protected]

Katter’s Australian Party:

Robbie Katter MP [email protected]
Shane Knuth [email protected]

It was also revealed last week that the suspension of the import of the Adler 7 Shot Shotgun was instigated when every single State Police Minister personally requested that Minister Keenan suspend the importation of the firearm. None of the Ministers had sought any information about the firearm from industry, none of them had seen the gun and it has become apparent that their decision was based on the misguided belief that the firearm had some new technology that allowed the lever to operate faster than traditional lever action firearms. This has since been demonstrated to be untrue and exposed as a myth being peddled by the extremist group Gun Control Australia and the Greens.

Please let each Police Minister and their respective Premier know what you think about their personal request to suspend the import of Adler shotguns for licensed firearm owners:


Hon Jo-Ann Miller MP, Minister for Police Fire & Emergency Services, [email protected]
Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier, [email protected]


Hon Troy Grant MP, Minister for Justice & Police, [email protected]
Hon Mike Baird MP, Premier, [email protected]


Hon Peter Chandler, MLA, Minister for Police, Fire & Emergency Services, [email protected]
Hon Adam Giles MLA, Chief Minister, [email protected]


Hon Wade Noonan MP, Minister for Police, [email protected]
Hon Daniel Andrews MP, Premier, [email protected]


Hon Rene Hidding MP, Minister for Police & Emergency Management, [email protected]
Hon Will Hodgman MP, Premier, [email protected]


Hon Tony Piccolo, Minister for Police, [email protected]
Hon Jay Weatherill, Premier, [email protected]


Hon Liza Harvey MLA, Minister for Police, [email protected]
Hon Colin Barnett MLA, Premier, [email protected]


Joy Burch MLA, Minister for Police & Emergency Services, [email protected]
Andrew Barr MLA , Chief Minister, [email protected]
Please distribute this note to your contacts and encourage them to provide feedback to the members of parliament above, as well as to their own local State and Federal members of parliament.

[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]This post was reproduced with the permission of Rob Nioa. Originally published on Monday the 17th of August on[/box]

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