Shooters Union is regularly in the media, but this month may be some kind of record for us, thanks not only to The Australian running a campaign called “Target On Guns” which featured (at time of writing this newsletter) a mind-boggling 28 stories on firearms in Australia, but also the announcement of a Federal firearms registry.

On a more positive side, by our count, over the past month, Shooters Union has appeared in:

– Six stories in The Australian

– An Opinion Piece in The Australian

– Two stories in the Countryman newspaper (WA)

–  Two stories in Queensland Country Life

– A story in Sporting Shooter magazine

– An appearance on Channel 7 News (Toowoomba)

– An appearance on ABC News TV

– An Appearance on ABC Radio Brisbane

– A story in World news website

– A media release from Katter’s Australian Party (KAP)

That’s at least 17 media appearances in less than a month – and these are just the stories we’re aware of – there may be others, especially given how many newspapers owned by the same parent companies syndicate content nowadays.

That’s also not counting our submission to the WA Firearms Law reforms “consultation” earlier in November, either. 

What’s particularly telling is we appear to be the only shooter-focussed organisation that’s been making regular comment across all the issues lately – our media director and the SU president have put in hours of time responding to the repeated anti-gun propaganda that’s come our way.  

If you appreciate their efforts, send us a quick “well done” to let them know they’re on the right track.  It gets a bit lonely forging a path through the constant media barrage on your own, so any supporting comments you are able to make will give them a boost!