The Shooters Union Collector’s Branch has been invited to appear at the Public Hearing for the Commonwealth Government’s Review of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023.

The hearings will take place on September 1st in Canberra; our Collector’s Branch president Royce Wilson will be representing us.

Our submission, which you can read here, outlined our concern at the impact of the legislation on law-abiding firearms users and miltiaria collectors; the legislation has the potential to ban the trade of firearms with Nazi-era proof or ownership markings on them and even potentially make it illegal to take Nazi ownership-marked firearms to the range.

We will be joined at the public hearings by the Arms Collectors Guild of Tasmania as well as two knowledgeable and experienced private collectors (Mr Jason Gehrke, and Mr Victor Doree).