Liberal Democratic Party Press Release Tuesday 28th July 2015

Media ReleaseLiberal Democrat Senator for NSW David Leyonhjelm has condemned the temporary ban on Adler lever action shot guns the Prime Minister announced on the weekend.

The Adler A110 lever action shotgun was to be imported into Australia next month, but has now been banned until a review of the National Firearms Agreement is complete.

Critics say access to so-called ‘rapid fire firearms’ should be restricted further or banned altogether. Meanwhile, firearm owners point out lever action firearms are legal under the National Firearm Agreement and have been continuously available in Australia for well over a hundred years.

‘This ban was introduced without any consultation with the importer, shooting organisations or any of Australias 800,000 licenced firearm owners. This is an affront to liberal policies and will inevitably cost the government votes,” said Senator Leyonhjelm.

‘No evidence has been presented that lever action firearms post any more risk than firearms currently available. This is simply an attack on the rights of law abiding firearms owners and is driven by fanatical gun haters. ‘

‘When I met recently with the Justice Minister, Michael Keenan, I was assured there would be no material changes to the National Firearms Agreement and that firearm owners were being regularly consulted. The plan to suspend the importation of the Adler shotgun and the lack of consultation conflicts with the assurances given to me. ‘

‘If these ill-informed changes are introduced, I have no choice but to view this as a breach of faith on the part of the government.”

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