Weapons Licensing Branch have implemented unreasonably strict processes for determining whether someone is a ‘fit and proper’ person to have a firearms licence, with the result that large numbers of shooters are finding their licences suspended due to issues most people would agree are irrelevant to their current fitness to have a licence.

We are not exaggerating when we say we believe this is the most serious attack on gun owners in our state since the 1996 law changes, and to show how seriously we’re taking this, we are introducing our new plan to help shooters fight back.

For current Shooters Union members who have their licence suspended, revoked or refused due to no longer being a fit and proper person, we will:

  • Arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with an expert lawyer
  • Pay your appeal’s QCAT filing fees ($350) if a lawyer feels an appeal is in order.

We’re trying to keep this offer straightforward, but there are a few conditions – primarily, you must be a current member, you must consult with a lawyer about your planned action, and the lawyer must agree the appeal has merit.

To receive our assistance, it is vital that you immediately e-mail [email protected] with all relevant documents (particularly the suspension/revocation/rejection letter from QPS).

There are strict legislative timeframes at play to appeal a license suspension/revocation or refusal, so we need to get the ball rolling right away.

We already have more than 50 members who have lodged QCAT appeals year alone and that number is just going to rise as WLB look for more reasons to take licences and guns away.

We are determined to fight this and we are expecting to lodge dozens, if not hundreds of QCAT appeals in the coming months as a result of WLB’s new policy, and it is going to cost tens of thousands of dollars to make sure our members are represented and fought for.

We’re going to need money and support to do it, so we are urgently asking for your support by donating to our Legal Defence Fund to help us stand up and fight for #allshooters.

Every dollar you donate helps ensure shooters have their rights fought for via legal actions – and every victory that comes from those actions is another blow against the antis and further secures our rights too.

More details on the Legal Defence Fund can be found here https://websiteunderconstruction.com.au/shootersunion/shooters-union-is-establishing-a-legal-fighting-fund/ – and every donation, no matter how small or large, is greatly appreciated. Donations can be made via this link: https://websiteunderconstruction.com.au/shootersunion/donate-and-support-the-shooters-union/
We need your help – so please share this message widely, and if you aren’t already a Shooters Union member, please consider joining today – it’s only $35, includes $20m public liability insurance, and in QLD we are also a Genuine Reason for Cat A, B and H licences too.

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