This October, the Major Parties have to go. For decades the ALP and LNP have ignored the youth crime wave taking over our city. In this election let’s put Brisbane last by choosing a candidate who is commited to achieving WHAT TOWNSVILLE needs.
Vote 1 for Julianne Wood, KAP Candidate in Thuringowa to Take Back Townsville from it’s criminal gangs and youth crime.
Julianne has a plan that’s offers more than a slap on the wrist or an easily overlooked/difficult to enfore night time curfew.
Our relocation sentencing plan will give our troubled youth skills, discipline and chance for a new start in life (whilst also providing valuable services to rural and regional property owners who could use some extra person-power.
The KAP are CLEARLY the only party that has the vision, guts, will and determination to do what’s best for Townsville.
This election, let’s put Brisbane last. Watch the video below to find out more. ”
Shooter’s Union Australia delegate, David Brown interviews Leader of the KAP Robbie Katter & Thuringowa Candidate Julianne Wood.
This is your opportunity to learn more about the concerns in your electorate and how your candidate plans to make improvements.
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