Let’s put Townsville First!

Recently we had the pleasure of interviewing Josh Schwarz, the Katter’s Australian Party Candidate for your electorate of Townsville. A passionate advocate for your region, Josh is contesting the seat to “unlock the potential of our amazing home.” 

For decades the LNP and ALP have neglected the Townsville region… only remembering we exist once an election is called. 

In this election, let’s put Brisbane last by choosing politicians who are committed to NQ and seeing it prosper.

KAP candidate for Townsville, Josh Schwarz says NO to asset sales, YES to the big projects that will pull our struggling economy out of the COVID recession. 

Josh says YES to jobs and YES to agricultural & manufacturing development (including Smart Water Management Programs), tourism, defence and health project development.  Let’s get the region building so we can get back to prosperity. 

If you care about Townsville and more importantly your children’s future then make sure you vote for a party that is committed to delivering on the big projects that will get us out of the COVID-19 recession.

The KAP are CLEARLY the only party that has the vision, guts, will and determination to do what’s best for Townsville.

This election, let’s put Brisbane last. Watch the video below to find out more. ”

Shooters Union is endorsing Josh as our pick for the candidate most likely to bring about meaningful and lasting change in the Townsville region. 

Shooter’s Union Australia Vice President, David Brown interviews the KAP Candidate for Townsville Joshua Schwarz

This is your opportunity to learn more about the concerns in your electorate and how your candidate plans to make improvements.


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