The Palaszczuk Government to move on high-capacity shotguns following Los Vegas Shooting.

In news just in, Shooters Union have been advised that the current Queensland Labor government wants to silence the voice of thousands of sporting shooters, hunters and farmers by moving lever action shotguns to a restrictive Category D. This opportunistic political posturing by Labor in wake of the recent tragic event in Las Vegas is a disgrace. Law abiding firearm owners are constantly being targeted by Labor and your voice is needed to fight back.

Here’s a link to the ABC news coverage of the media release:

See the video above for Shooters Union Vice President, David Brown’s response and clarification of the new amendments.

What can I do?

Email the Premier of Queensland
Contact the Premier and Labor members and let them know your thoughts.
Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk – Phone: (07) 3719 7000 / Email: Premier HERE
Download full list of contacts HERE

Email the Leader of the Opposition
Contact the Leader of the Opposition and let them know you oppose Labor’s ban.
Hon Tim Nicholls – Phone: (07) 3838 6767 / Email: Hon Tim Nicholls HERE
Download full list of contacts HERE

Email Katter’s Australian Party 
Katter’s Australian Party Party has vowed to move a disallowance motion in the parliament to overturn these bans. Send them a note of support.
Hon Robbie Katter – Phone: (07) 4410 4100 / Email: Hon Robbie Katter HERE
Download full list of contacts HERE

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