To whom it may concern.

I would like to bring to your attention matters of concern for myself and others as law abiding licenced firearms owners.

Over the past 12 months or more there has been an alarming disregard and shutout of key stakeholder groups by the police minister and labour government from any form of genuine consultation on reforms relating to the National Firearms Agreement.
I request that you seek assurance and guarantee answers from the premier to the following within 7 days.

  1. That a firearms stakeholder consultative committee will be formed in QLD immediately (inc groups such as Agforce, SSAA, SUQ and others).
  2. That all recommendations by Qld Police relating to any review of the regulations will be shared with that committee for discussion and input before being presented at a federal level or to Qld parliament committees.
  3. That the Qld Police minister and police representatives do not agree or sign up to ANY new changes to NFA (National Firearms Agreement) before consulting with and taking input from consultative committee.
  4. If the government currently reviewing the NFA has nothing to hide why are keys groups being ignored and shutout.

Inexplicably the Ministerial Weapons Advisory Panel was abolished last year by the Palaszczuk Labor Government without warning; without explanation; and without consultation and I find this rather disturbing.

The Ministerial Weapons Advisory was put in place to ensure any law changes were not only fair, but also evidence-based by incorporating the knowledge and experience of experts from farm and other industry groups and gun clubs.

While it’s imperative that our laws maximize the safety of our communities and families by targeting criminals; and important that our laws free-up police and police resources, the secrecy and lack of transparency currently going on in regards to the NFA review is completely unacceptable.

Law-abiding gun owners have had enough.
All we want, and deserve, is a seat at the table to provide input and expert advice into any review so that the laws and regulations can be improved.

JP – Toowoomba.

*Please note: Names and contact details have been removed to protect our member’s safety.

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