They came for our gunsFirst they came for the military type semi-autos but that didn’t affect me because I didn’t need them…

Then they came for all semi-auto centrefire and rimfire rifles and even shotguns in 1996, but that didn’t affect me either as I was happy to hunt with my old Winchester 30-30, so I remained silent…

Then they came for the handguns in 2002 and banned magazines over 10 rounds, barrels shorter than 127mm and restricted calibres over .38, but that didn’t bother me either as I wasn’t into pistol shooting…

Then they came for rifles that cosmetically looked like anything that was a semi-auto, even if it was a manually operated straight-pull, so they took all rifles with pistol grips, adjustable stocks and anything else that was black in appearance, but I still felt safe because I knew they couldn’t possibly take my old Winchester 30-30, so I said nothing…

Then they came for bolt-action, pump-action and lever-action rifles that had magazines over 10 or 15 rounds, but I knew I was still alright with my guns…

Then they came for rifles with calibres over 308 because they were regarded as powerful sniper rifles and no-one needed them, but still that didn’t affect me either, so I remained silent…

Then they came for lever-action shotguns and took them away under the catch phrase of “rapid fire weapons” but thankfully I still got to keep my 30-30…

Then they came for all lever and pump-action rifles because they fell into the emotional definition of “rapid fire weapons” so I finally had to say goodbye to my beloved rifle that represented the only last memories I had of my dad when he was alive as we used to go on hunting trips with this rifle. I asked other shooters for help but everyone was running scared, hanging on to their bolt-action rifles, so nothing was said…

Then they came for the remaining pistols, starting with disarming the farmers and occupational shooters, then removing them from sports shooters. I didn’t worry too much because I still had my bolt-action 22 that no-one could ever take from me…

Then they came for the double-barrel and single-barrel shotguns because they were too powerful in the hands of civilians but that didn’t affect me and my bolt-action 22, so I remained silent…

Then they came for the last of them, the bolt-action rimfire and centrefire rifles, saying we have to do this to ensure public safety, there is no other way and justifying their actions because of a criminal who held up a service station using an unregistered, cut down bolt-action rifle.

I tried to speak out but it was too late, we had all been taken apart little by little and our numbers were no more for our voice to be heard. Instead of standing together, when the pistols were being confiscated, the rifle and shotgun shooters all ran into hiding laughing with each other, just happy that it wasn’t them that were being targeted. But then came their turn and the pistol shooters weren’t going to help the shotgun and rifle shooters, so we all eventually lost all firearms little by little, piece by piece as the years went on…

I wish I could share with you my boy, the days that your granddad and I used to go hunting and bring home a freshly butchered deer. The whole family would sit round the dinner table enjoying beautiful cuts of venison back straps with fresh vegetables from the garden. I wish I could share with you the experience of going out with your first 22 and taking a rabbit for the evening meal, but I can’t as we were all disarmed many years ago now…

Don’t make this the story that you’re telling your children in the future, don’t be the last Australian shooter. You can do something to stop this from happening, speak up, get involved and for the sake of your children’s future and all law-abiding gun owners, make your vote count this coming election!!!

Source: Ozzie Reviews

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